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Minrl – Jewellery & Design
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We are a group of designers, we love photography and we are very interested in trends, materials, colours, finishes, design and of course crafts. Monitor@100% natural was born, in an attempt of designing our own products, as a response to the necessity of organising all the inspiring material for 100% natural’s objects. From fairs to festivals, from events to simple walks in the city centre; every picture that brought those inspiring ideas needed to be organised, (as well as hundreds of catalogues!!!) Then, the idea of sharing them… not everything every time, and not judging, but organising. I always have present in my mind a phrase: ” If you are not a good artist, then become an art critic” So this page’s aim is just to be a think tank, full of “all those things that we see but don’t look at, and to all those that make us stop, turn and gaze”.

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